Wednesday 17 April 2013

Lazy Girls Guide to Moisturising

So I’m the first to admit I’m pretty lazy when it comes to showering. I mean, not actual showers, I’m normal and regular in that department. But the faff of showering, exfoliating, moisturising, fake tanning and general primping that some seem to do. As the much over-used quote goes “Ain’t nobody got time for that”. Moisturising is probably the one I’m worst at. I just don’t have the time and neither do I want to be standing around being all sticky before I can get dressed. I studied in Canada for 4 months and it was so dry I had to or my skin suffered. But now back in England I can get away with just not doing it.

That’s why NIVEA’s new In-Shower Body Moisturiser seems perfect for me. No standing around drying after. After using your shower gel (that I can do) you use the NIVEA concoction and it sinks immediately into your skin. It’s activated by the water of your shower. Why has it taken so long someone to think of this? There’s both a normal and dry skin variety so you can pick and choose. British Beauty Blogger has a full review on it here. And from what she says, it looks like it works too.

Best of all is the price. £3.56. Bargain. Definitely going to be hunting it down, it’s sold in Boots, online and some chemists and supermarkets,  

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